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Dieses Thema hat 9 Antworten
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 Hamburgteam berichtet über Allen und Kahili
ipott ( Gast )

20.05.2007 12:54
workshop Ho'oponopono LomiLomi in Dübbekold Antworten
Dear Kumu Alapai and Kumu Kahili:

There are no words in the world to express the gratitude and joy we've been experiencing with you.
MAHALO nui loa for all the LOVE and all the knowledge you've shared with us.
I'm proud to be part of your ohana, to be your haumana and to help spread the ALOHA, to heal the people and to HEAL THE WORLD.
MAHALO for being the reminders, for taking all the efforts to come here and share all of this.

As your haumana, your ohana I will carry on the mission

ALOHA no wau ia oi from Hamburg

Es gibt keine Worte auf dieser Welt um das auszudrücken, was wir hier erleben durften. MAHALO nui loa für all diese Liebe
und für alles was Ihr uns beigebracht habt und mit uns geteilt habt.
Ich bin stolz ein Teil dieser Familien zu sein. Auch eure Studentin zu sein und mitzuhelfen, das ALOHA zu verteilen. Zu helfen
die Menschen zu heilen und vorallem die WELT ZU HEILEN. Danke das Ihr die Erinnerer seid, die all diese Anstrenungen auf sich
genommen haben, um das alles mit uns zu teilen.

Als eure Studentin, eure Familie werde ich die Mission weiter tragen.

ALOHA no wau ia oi from Hamburg

wizard Offline

Beiträge: 2

20.05.2007 13:31
#2 RE: workshop Ho'oponopono LomiLomi in Dübbekold Antworten
Dear Kumu Alapai and Kumu Kahili

I would like to share with the people reading the forum what I've learnt with you:

- to clear the mind (other people voices!)
- to live the moment, to live life to the fullest
- to experience what ohana (familiy) really is, which provides the confidence , so my heart can open
- to learn to speak from heart to heart , so all negative energies can be released
- Ho'oponopono needs the readiness to face your mental and emotional processes, so LomiLomi can take care of the physical aspects

MAHALO for all your LOVE and for sharing this with us.

ALOHA no wau ia oi


aretta mueller Offline

Beiträge: 1

20.05.2007 21:31
#3 RE: workshop Ho'oponopono LomiLomi in Dübbekold Antworten

Dearest Kumu Alapa'i and dearest Kumu Kahili,

I send you all my love! Mahalo for all your teaching, wisdom, sharing and your LOVE! My deapest longing has come true in this seminar! I'm so happy and proud to be part of your OHANA. And I'm so thankful, that I have found GOD'S WORK in your teaching. MAHALO MAHALO MAHALO!!!! I do all the prayers and HO'OPONOPONO with my daughter every day. And I will spread the ALOHA where ever I go!



Allen Offline

Beiträge: 24

20.05.2007 22:21
#4 RE: workshop Ho'oponopono LomiLomi in Dübbekold Antworten

Aloha Haumana Aretta, Wonderful to have shared with you and have you part of our ohana (family). Aloha to your daughter and your family. Take care, Aloha no wau ia oe Kumu Alapa#i and Kumu Kahili

Allen Offline

Beiträge: 24

20.05.2007 22:24
#5 RE: workshop Ho'oponopono LomiLomi in Dübbekold Antworten

Mahalo Werner for being here and representing the ohana (family). We will continue on this journey together until our last breaths. With all our love. Continue. IMUA (go forward). Kumu Alapa'i

Allen Offline

Beiträge: 24

20.05.2007 22:27
#6 RE: workshop Ho'oponopono LomiLomi in Dübbekold Antworten

Aloha Haumana Inge, Mahalo for answering the call to help Kokua in spreading the Aloha. Now you can be the reminders also. IMUA go forward and spread the ALOHA. Kumu Alapa'i

Lomi Offline

Beiträge: 216

20.05.2007 23:13
#7 RE: workshop Ho'oponopono LomiLomi in Dübbekold Antworten

Liebe Haumanas,

bitte schreibt doch euren Text auch gleich noch ins Deutsche, damit die, die nicht Englisch können diese Zeilen auch verstehen.

Es grüßt euch Marion

Michaela ( Gast )

21.05.2007 10:42
#8 RE: workshop Ho'oponopono LomiLomi in Dübbekold Antworten

Dear Kumu Alapai and Kumu Kahili,
thank you so much for coming here to HANAI all of us and let us be part of your OHANA. It was just amazing to feel your love and ALOHA everyday, and to see how everybody in our group opened up, because we all felt so safe and loved in your presence. Thank you for teaching us the LOMI, it is just wonderful to help other people to soften their body and their mind, to help them release all of the HEWA. Thank you also for teaching us HULA, it was just so much fun, and it was awesome to be able to stand proud of being your HAUMANA. But most of all thank you for teaching us your way of living, of FEELING life. Thank you so much for reminding us about our babyboy and babygirl spirit. MAHALO nui loa for all the laughing and singing and crying and dancing. MAHALO for helping us find our roots and teaching us your prayers, it will help us so much to feel guided, loved and connected.

I love you


Ich bin euch so dankbar, dass ihr hergekommen seid, um uns alle zu adoptieren, uns in eure Familie aufzunehmen (HANAI). Es war einfach herrlich eure Liebe und ALOHA jeden Tag zu spüren, und zu sehen, wie jeder von uns sich mehr und mehr öffnete, weil wir uns alle bei euch sicher und geliebt gefühlt haben. Danke, dass ihr uns LOMI beigebracht habt, es ist einfach wundervoll anderen Leuten dabei zu helfen, ihren Körper und ihren Geist zu öffnen und negative Energien loszulassen. Vielen Dank auch dafür, dass ihr uns HULA beigebracht habt, weil es soviel Spaß gemacht hat, und weil es fantastisch war, stolz dazustehen, weil wir eure Schüler sein durften (HAUMANA). Aber am aller meisten bin ich dankbar, dass ihr uns eure Lebensweise gezeigt habt, eure Art das Leben zu FÜHLEN. Danke, dass ihr uns an unseren inneren babyboy und babygirl erinnert habt. Vielen Dank für all das Lachen, Singen, Weinen und Tanzen. Danke, dass ihr uns geholfen habt unsere Wurzeln zu finden und dass ihr uns eure Gebete beigebracht habt, sie werden uns dabei helfen uns weiterhin geführt, geliebt und verbunden zu fühlen.


23.05.2007 11:36
#9 RE: workshop Ho'oponopono LomiLomi in Dübbekold Antworten

Deat Kumu Kahili and Kumu Alapa´i,
Mahalo nui loa for this week full of love, sharing, hula, getting softer. I´m so proud being part of your ohana and try to remember me in my kuleana (Verantwortung) every moment.
I´m not good in words, but i know that you know what i feel for you and the ohana.
I´m looking forward to see you in haburg in june again, last time the organisation took a lot of my energie - but only because i didn´t know you. But now i can relax because i trust you so deep in my heart. I love you.
As soon as possible we will organise a hula group in LiMA (my rooms)so when you come next year -wou will feel like home watching your ohana, dancing hula to welcome you. (I hope so)
But i don´t believe that we will have such i wounderful Kumu Hula as you are, Kumu Kahili.
Both of you - I love your way to teach, to share. To feel proud was long time ago, until i met you and dance hula with my ohana for our ohana.
And you are so right: the children love our pule ai and the time ho´oponopono when we sit together for dinner.

Austria ( Gast )

23.05.2007 11:37
#10 RE: workshop Ho'oponopono LomiLomi in Dübbekold Antworten

Dear Kumus
the last letter - it was me
Aloha no wau ia oi

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