E Komo Mai Kakou 'O Ka 'Ohana 'O Europe,
I am native to the island of Kaua'i (the Garden island). Decsendant of the Ali'i of Kaua'i. Born into a genealogy of generation of Healers, Kahuna, Kauka (Masters). Raised with grandparents who were Healers in our Hawaiian village, in Moloa'a, Kaua'i. My Granmother Kaili (mothers mom) was the Kahuna La'au Lapa'au (healing with plants and herbs) and specialized in Ho'oponopono Lomilomi, (our family style healing massage).
I am one of twelve children, seven sisters and five of us, brothers. Out of twelve of us children....I was the chosen one to represent my grandma, ancestors and ohana. My grandma instilled the knowledge of my family style Ho'oponopono Lomilomi Healing....Never taught outside of my family for generations after generations.....UNTIL NOW!!
Receiving the blessing from my grandma, my Kumu (teachers), and my Kupuna (the elders that guides me) to go out and share the "ALOHA" (breath of life/ unconditional love), so we can HEAL THE WORLD. NOW IS THE TIME!!
Hawai'i....comes to Europe-to share the HAWAIIAN WAY OF LIFE....thru Kahuna Lomilomi, Master Allen Alapai's knowledge, he is willing to kokua (help) those seeking to be a part of this Worldwide ohana (family) of healers. I will share and teach the mana'o (sacred thoughts) of my family....so we all can SHIFT THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE PLANET....and bring the ALOHA that will Heal the World.
We welcome everyone to come and "FEEL and RECEIVE.....HAWAII" for a night.
Place: Hamburg
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: 20 euros
Date: May 8, 2007
Also: welcoming everyone to another night in the South
Place: Hotel Schrieber Hof
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: 20 euros
Date: May 24. 2007
food and refreshments is included
For more information contact:
For Munich phone:0172 889 5 998
email: marion@freude-erfahren.de
For Hamburg Phone: +49 (0) 6131 - 61 70 67
http://www.lifearts-bm.deAnmeldungen findet ihr im Tread "Kennenlernabend mit Allen und Kahili Alapai" Bitte ausdrucken und senden
Marion please fill in the blanks and correct location of lectures. Mahalo nui loa
Kahuna Lomilomi Allen Alapa'i